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V.H. Duque-Ramos, M. Reina-Román, D. Mancha-Triguero, S.J. Ibáñez Godoy
P. Sáenz-López-Buñuel,
"Relación de la carga de entrenamiento con las emociones y el rendimiento en baloncesto formativo ", "Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación"
, 164-173, 2021
R. Burgueño Menjibar, D. González-Cutre-Coll, A. Sicilia Camacho, M. Alcaráz-Ibáñez
J.M. Medina-Casaubón,
"Is the instructional style of teacher educators related to the teaching intention of pre-service teachers? A Self-Determination Theory perspective-based analysis", "Educational Review"
, -, 2021
I. López Fernandez, R. Burgueño Menjibar
F.J. Gil-Espinosa,
"High School Physical Education Teachers Perceptions of Blended Learning One Year after the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.18, 11146-, 2021
R. Burgueño Menjibar, J. Macarro Moreno
J.M. Medina-Casaubón,
"Psychometry of the Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale in Physical Education With Spanish Secondary School Students", "Sage Open"
, 1-12, 2020
R. Burgueño Menjibar, E. Morales Ortiz, J. Macarro Moreno, J.M. Medina-Casaubón
M.B. Cueto Martin,
"Efects of the "MAMI Deporte®" Family Sports Program on Parents¿ Motivation towards Sport Participation: A Randomized Controlled Intervention", "Sustainability"
, vol.12, 2-13, 2020
R. Burgueño Menjibar, D. González-Cutre-Coll, J. Sevil -Serrano, M. Herrador Colmenero, J.M. Segura-Díaz, J.M. Medina-Casaubón
P. Chillón Garzón,
"Psychometric properties of the teachers, parents and peers versions of the Perceived Autonomy Support Scale for Active Commuting to and from School (PASS-ACS) in children and adolescents", "Travel Behaviour and Society"
, vol.20, 322-330, 2020
R. Burgueño Menjibar
J.M. Medina-Casaubón,
"Sport Education and Sportsmanship Orientations: An Intervention in High School Students", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.17, 837-853, 2020
R. Burgueño Menjibar, R. Espejo, I. López Fernandez
F.J. Gil-Espinosa,
"Educación Física de Calidad para niños: Una propuesta de aplicación curricular en Educación Primaria", "Journal of Sport and Health Research"
, vol.12, 279-287, 2020
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024